
About our company


The first company was founded in 2003 in Greece by two very enthusiastic young men.

It all started in 1999 when George, who was working in a local multimedia company, hired Steve for the position of technical support. They worked together for almost 2 years, practically running the company by themselves as their boss was only involved with his personal and psychological issues!

After many surreal incidents, the company dissolved. The two men were separated for a couple of years as they worked in different companies but they hang out as friends. In 2003 George had the idea of starting his own communication and multimedia company.

It was at Steve’s wedding where George told him about his idea and that he wanted him to be his partner.

That was the beginning of a great, successful and long lasting partnership but also a unique friendship. Their company was doing great and they decided to expand to the UK in 2007.

Their companies were now involved with a whole lot of different services! Media and Infotainment, Call Centers VOIP, Intragroup Communication Applications, SMS Advertising Campaigns, Graphic Design and Web Development, Video and photo editing.

In the meanwhile George had to move to the US where he married his beloved wife and of course Steve was his best man. After lots of travelling between their companies they decided to grow outside the European Union.

The two founders in 2017 built the AIS in the USA, bringing with them the knowledge and expertise they had gained in all these years of collaboration.

We have  built this company expressly for the purpose of satisfying your bussiness’s needs and we will be glad to work with you and share all of our experience.

If you are interested on our services, request a quote.