Call Centers VOIP

Call Centers VOIP- Intragroup Communication Applications


Through our partner’s network, we are able to provide to each business the Call Center that it needs so as to upgrade their communication with their customers.

By using VOIP technology you can have people working for you from anywhere around the world, as the only thing they need to have is an internet connection.

This can reduce your employees transportation cost and time and give your company the ability to work with the right people no matter where they are located.

The Call Center has undergone radical change over the past decade. Its century-old relic technology has been revolutionized.

At the same time, the perceived business value of call centers has gone from necessary cost-center, worthy only of entry-level staffing, to important driver of brand differentiation, revenue generation and customer satisfaction.

AIS meets the needs of the new generation of call centers, eliminating costly overhead such as hardware acquisition and maintenance, automatically monitoring and managing resources to meet regulatory requirements and campaign goals.

We also provide intragroup communication applications that intend to make your inside contact as easy and discreet as possible!

If you are interested on our services, request a quote.